Friday, August 26, 2005

on ranting

Ever feel like ranting but can't think of a subject? A rant about ranting might be in order, but would probably end up being too self-reflexive (not to mention needlessly post-modern).

The best course of action at this point would be to start a list of possible topics.

  • Terrorists
  • SUV's
  • U.S Foreign Policy
  • Canadian Foreign Policy
  • The provinces of Alberta and Quebec (yes you are both acting like babies!)
  • Advertising
  • Advertising by Beer Companies
  • Advertising by Soft Drink Companies
  • Advertising by Fitness Machine Companies
  • Advertising by __fill__in__the__blank
  • Paris Hilton (and all those like her)
  • AM Radio
  • CBC Strike (see rant topic above)
  • AM Radio hosts who claim to 'take a stand' but are really loud-mouthed bullys
  • Executives who think it's funny that they don't know how to use a computer mouse
  • Executives who call teleconferences on statutory holidays, then don't have the decency to inform the technical facilitators that they called the same meeting off
  • Executives
  • 'Reality' TV (get your head out of your collective asses it's all staged!)
  • Rap (if you can't hum it, it ain't music!) Some Rap is good, but 99% is cRap
  • Open Source developers who think free software will somehow defeat the 'evil' Bill Gates
  • Bill Gates
  • ISP's who think they are doing us all a favour by just 'being'
  • Script Kiddies
  • Crackers (not Hackers, Crackers. They are different. And I don't mean 'Soda')
  • Stupid people
  • Barking Dogs
  • Harley riders who have straight-pipes on their bikes
  • People who feel a sense of entitlement
  • Oil companies
  • Racists (my favourite, 'cause they always show themselves for the ignoramuses they really are)

Oh there are lots more. You might even disagree with some (or all) of the topics listed. Got a topic? Send it here. Don't post them because I will just pull them down. It's my blog, I get to decide what goes up here.

1 comment:

  1. As my wife would say, 'It is amazing most people get past the age of three without electrocuting themselves..'
